Query Customer List
Function Description
- Query customer list
Query Customer List API
Request URL
Request Method
Request Parameter
The request parameters are as follows:
Request Body
Parameter | Required | Type | Default Value | Description |
pageno | N | number | 1 | Page number, supports up to 1000 pages |
pagesize | N | number | 20 | Display the number of items per page, supporting a maximum of 100 items |
starttime | N | number | - | Customer creation start time, second level timestamp |
endtime | N | number | - | Customer creation end time, second level timestamp |
mercustomids | N | string | - | Merchant customer ID, multiple IDs separated by commas in english, length limit 512 characters, examples: u001, u002 |
customids | N | string | - | System customer ID, multiple IDs separated by english commas, length limit 512 characters, example: 1187, 2f131 |
identity | N | string | - | ID number (sensitive information, need system public key encryption, length limit 64 characters |
cardno | N | string | - | Bank account (sensitive information, requires system public key encryption processing), must be a number, length limit 13 to 19 characters |
bankcode | N | string | - | Bank code |
ibanaccount | N | string | - | IBAN, letters and numbers, length limit 34 characters |
name_e | N | string | - | Customer english name, supports fuzzy queries, length limit 64 characters |
status | N | number | - | Customer status |
stcaccount | N | string | - | STCPay (sensitive information, requires system public key encryption processing), supported formats: 5xxxxxxxx 9665xxxxxxxx +9665xxxxxxxx 05xxxxxxxx |
Response Parameter
The response parameters are as follows:
- Response Body
Parameter | Type | Description |
customid | string | System customer ID |
mercustomid | string | Merchant customer ID |
name_e | string | Customer english name |
name_a | string | Customer arabic name |
address | string | Address information bound to the customer bank card |
identity | string | ID number (sensitive information, encrypted with merchant public key) |
identitypic | string | ID card photo URL (sensitive information, encrypted using merchant public key) |
signpic | string | Signature photo URL (sensitive information, encrypted using merchant public key) |
bankname | string | Bank name |
bankcode | string | Bank code |
cardno | string | Bank account (sensitive information, encrypted using merchant public key) |
ibanaccount | string | IBAN |
swiftcode | string | Swift code corresponding to the customer bank account |
stcaccount | string | STCPay account (sensitive information, encrypted using merchant public key) |
status | number | Customer status |
statusdesc | string | Customer status description |
autoapproval | number | Whether to enable automatic approval: 0 : Disable 1 : Enable |
otpappname | string | Product name for sending OTP verification |
demand_perfection | array | What information does the user currently need to improve |
created_at | number | Creation time |
updated_at | number | Update time |
Response Parameter Example
"code": 200,
"message": "Request succeeded.",
"data": [
"customid": "12ad4",
"mercustomid": "u004",
"name_e": "usera",
"name_a": "usera",
"address": "Saudi Arabia",
"identity": "hg3TiMx12VsW+m0a60FpIbU6k+ppfrWz5VAzpzRr8wOasTELnFuQqRO5bGLn/SUK8FhpfLqI+Mf9GqMFuKk7Ogh6izh2UkTbg5/kO8unT2pNsI1vqSuAKJP2QeMzKBORWAn878fLvNf10Y7drMimwP+FU3ChMVREaPMoosOIWdsDh13mFce6IfDQUBXqcHDeUZAdRZMvIyUBAAhp60d4J83BXuvZeQkrxKMnD34AhO0/gABRqiSWAWgNGv6UgBkiH0siLlevyKt674HZSRaMGh4tv5KXx/qWVTUGI7JGes5vh6iO1gy+5G6bd8amfUQ+J2W3UysyZGcNLrtBq5VfpQ==",
"identitypic": "",
"signpic": "",
"bankname": "Riyad Bank",
"bankcode": "1174c",
"cardno": "OAz0pmLB/wKtKvyNHte+Bsq4D3FlKt5snflmh15PnyIV3nyuoLs10Xm5Eg2erq5jgeeRdrQsBqAF5FeUfthS4NaAtgVVTlOpe5vFLtt3RL6BQ1i829Fx7rSCjdoYXpBDdBG7D85D4OnNgJpSxXvAJMK8qZDZv4XPxwAgcH5b+VCu138kpOaBjDuzl9dVOgoX69xIBWrd+kkD7btGytKD4H+jvU+NK+/Lfo0I61gzc/xYe5VEwFxlH4Cr/TeMhH1opwM6F2V+Mi45JL58DprZx7N0TtPaUOyhioZn6MdbNlJoI1bLARjMJIyt6sB1ZsglLChDRLFDhkLonWrlYxZWhA==",
"ibanaccount": "1234567892",
"swiftcode": "ABNACNSHXXX",
"stcaccount": "",
"status": 4,
"statusdesc": "2023-06-15 06:12:54",
"autoapproval": 1,
"otpappname": "test",
"demand_perfection": [
"created_at": 1686809574,
"updated_at": 1686809574
"sensitiveFields": [
"requestId": "5B7C31E52D37FF42627F18A20BD9AFB2"