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Call Method

Server Information

  • API Service Address{HOST}/api_v1

    • HOST: Domain
      • Sandbox environment domain name:
  • Communication protocol: HTTP

  • Character encoding: UTF-8

Public Parameters

Public Request Parameters

HTTP header:

x-auth-signatureStringYSignature string
x-auth-keyStringYThe key obtained when applying for signature authorization
x-auth-timestampStringYTimestamp of request initiated int32 seconds
x-auth-sign-methodStringYThe signature calculation method is currently unified as HmacSHA256
x-auth-sign-versionStringYThe signature calculation version is currently unified to 1

Authentication Mechanism

  1. Construct the header information of the request parameters, and the signature verification all information is in the header information

  2. Signature calculation method

    1. Use the key=value format to process key-value pairs. value needs to be processed by urlencode
    2. Sort the processed key-value pairs in ascending order of the dictionary, and then use & symbolic link
    3. Then use the secret applied above and use sha256 to calculate the summary information of the spliced string, and the output is base64 encoding.
    4. The key-value pairs are as follows:
    uriStringThe requested url minus the root part, for example: /users/100000/orders
    keyStringThe applied key
    timestampInt32Timestamp: Int32 seconds
    signMethodStringHmacSHA256 Fixed
    signVersionString1 Fixed
    methodStringMethod requested by the interface, example: "merchant.addOrder"
  • Signing code example:
Click to view code example
// ...
const crypto = require('crypto');

const secret = "your secret";

const generator = (opt, secret) => {
    const string = Object.keys(opt)
        .map((k) => `${k}=${encodeURIComponent(opt[k])}`)
    const h = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret);
    return h.update(string).digest('base64');

const opt = {
    uri: "/users/100000/orders",
    key: "your key",
    timestamp: `${( / 1000) | 0}`,
    signMethod: "HmacSHA256",
    signVersion: "1",
    method: "merchant.addOrder",

let header = [
  'x-auth-signature'    => generator(opt, secret),
  'x-auth-key'          => "your key",
  'x-auth-timestamp'    => opt.timestamp,
  'x-auth-sign-method'  => 'HmacSHA256',
  'x-auth-sign-version' => "1"

// ...
// ...
$secret = "your secret";
$key    = "your key";

$time = time();

$data = [
    'uri'         => "/users/100000/orders",
    'key'         => $key,
    'timestamp'   => $time,
    'signMethod'  => 'HmacSHA256',
    'signVersion' => 1,
    'method'      => "merchant.addOrder"

if (is_array($data)) {
    $data = http_build_query($data);

$str  = (string) $data;
$sign = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha256', $str, $secret, true));

$header = [
  'x-auth-signature'    => $sign,
  'x-auth-key'          => $key,
  'x-auth-timestamp'    => $time,
  'x-auth-sign-method'  => 'HmacSHA256',
  'x-auth-sign-version' => 1
// ...
### ...
timestamp = str(int(time.time()))
signArr   = {}
signArr["key"]         = "your key"
signArr["method"]      = "merchant.addOrder"
signArr["signMethod"]  = "HmacSHA256"
signArr["signVersion"] = 1
signArr["timestamp"]   = timestamp
signArr["uri"]         = "/users/100000/orders"
signStr = urllib.parse.urlencode(sorted(signArr.items(),key=lambda d:d[0]))

sign = base64.b64encode("your secret",encoding = "utf-8"),bytes(signStr,encoding = "utf-8"),hashlib.sha256).digest()).decode()

headers = {}

headers["x-auth-signature"]    = sign
headers["x-auth-key"]          = "your key"
headers["x-auth-timestamp"]    = timestamp
headers["x-auth-sign-method"]  = "HmacSHA256"
headers["x-auth-sign-version"] = "1"
### ...
/// ...
Map<String, String> params = new TreeMap<String, String>(
  new Comparator<String>() {
      public int compare(String o1, String o2) {
          return o1.compareTo(o2);

String timestamp = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()/1000);

params.put("key", "your key");
params.put("method", "merchant.addOrder");
params.put("signMethod", "HmacSHA256");
params.put("signVersion", String.valueOf(1));
params.put("timestamp", timestamp);
params.put("uri", "/users/100000/orders");

String signStr ="";
for(Object key:params.keySet()){
        signStr = signStr + "&";
    String value = String.valueOf(key).equals("uri")?,"UTF-8"):String.valueOf(params.get(key));
    signStr = signStr + String.valueOf(key)+"="+value;

SecretKeySpec keySpec = new SecretKeySpec("your secret".getBytes(), "HmacSHA256");
Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256");
byte[] result = mac.doFinal(signStr.getBytes());
BASE64Encoder encoder = new BASE64Encoder();
String sign = encoder.encode(result);

HttpGet get = new HttpGet("request address");

get.addHeader("x-auth-signature", sign);
get.addHeader("x-auth-key", "your key");
get.addHeader("x-auth-timestamp", timestamp);
get.addHeader("x-auth-sign-method", "HmacSHA256");
get.addHeader("x-auth-sign-version", "1");
/// ...

Response Result

Successful Response

When the HTTP response status code is 2xx, the call is successful.

Failure Response

When the HTTP response status code is 4xx or 5xx, it indicates that the call failed.

Response Parameter Example

  "code": "notAllowed", // Error code
  "message": "No access", // Wrong description
  // Detailed error message
  "data": [
    "signature error",
      "uri": "/merchants/M448726",
      "key": "zS83UNCPhVTqBxDHACJ30sImZRKAlzQI",
      "timestamp": 1672991487,
      "signMethod": "HmacSHA256",
      "signVersion": "1",
      "method": "merchant.detail"