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Merchant Query

Function Description

  • Query merchant information

Merchant Query API

Request URL

  • /merchants/{MERCHANT_ID}
    • {MERCHANT_ID}:Your merchant ID

Request Method

  • merchant.detail


  • GET

Request Parameters

The request parameters are as follows:

Response Parameters

The response parameters are as follows:

  • Response Body
invoicePrefixstringInvoice prefix"Sand00"
idstringMerchant ID"M448726"
namestringMerchant name"GCCPayMerchant"
statusstringMerchant status: enableddisabled"enabled"
ownerIdstringLogin user name"U771297"
CR_filestringCertificate file address
CR_numberstringBusiness license number
CR_vatNumberstringVAT number
CR_expiredAtstringCertificate expiration time"2023-04-21T00:00:00.000Z"
addressstringCompany business address
telephonestringContact number"900000000"
scopestringbusiness scope
legalPersonstringlegal person"Sandbox"
agencyIdstringAgency ID"A936252"
currenciesstringCurrencies that merchants can use"SAR,KWD,BHD,AED,OMR,QAR"
addressFilestringMerchant business address information file URL
vatFilestringMerchant tax file URL
nationalIdstringMerchant business license file URL
logoFilestringMerchant LOGO URL
websitestringMerchant website addresshttps://xxx
citystringThe city where the merchant is located
districtstringThe district where the merchant is located
streetstringThe street where the merchant is located
zipcodestringzip code
feeRatenumberfee rate
statementStatusstringReconciliation method:
hand: manual reconciliation
daily: daily reconciliation
bankCardWhiteListstringCard number whitelist
createdAtstringGeneration time"2022-11-08T23:20:19.000Z"
updatedAtstringUpdate time"2022-12-07T23:26:49.000Z"
ownerobjectowner information
    owner.idstringOwner ID
    owner.namestringOwner name
    owner.mobilestringMobile phone number

Response Parameter Example

  "invoicePrefix": "Sand00", // Invoice prefix
  "id": "M226746", // Merchant ID
  "name": "Sandbox_For_GCCMall_QCloud", // Merchant name
  "status": "enabled", // Merchant status enabled / disabled
  "ownerId": "U592801", // Login user name
  "name_en": "Sandbox For GCCMall QCloud", // User name
  "CR_file": null, // ID file address
  "CR_number": "111222", // Business license number
  "CR_vatNumber": "111222", // VAT number
  "CR_expiredAt": "2023-04-21T00:00:00.000Z", // Certificate expiration time
  "address": null, // Business address of the company
  "telephone": "111222333", // Contact number
  "scope": null, // business scope
  "legalPerson": "test", // legal person
  "mcc": "1111", // MCC
  "agencyId": "A936252", //Agency ID
  "currencys": "SAR,KWD,BHD,AED,OMR,QAR", // Currencies that merchants can use
  "addressFile": null, // Merchant business address information file URL
  "vatFile": "2023-03-20/82/8217650e21bb2b8624af1cd83525fdcf.png", // Merchant tax file URL
  "nationalId": null, // Merchant business license file URL
  "logoFile": "2023-04-21/9b/9bcccd988b4e5873895c034b81092df3.png", // Merchant LOGO URL
  "website": null, // Merchant website address
  "email": null, // Merchant email
  "city": null, // The city where the merchant is located
  "district": null, // The area where the merchant is located
  "street": null, // The street where the merchant is located
  "zipcode": null, // zip code
  "feeRate": 7, // Handling fee rate
  "statementStatus": "daily", // Reconciliation method
  "bankCardWhiteList": "[{\"cardNumber\":\"439226011111111\",\"nameOnCard\":\"test\",\"expiryMonth\":\"07\",\"expiryYear\":\ "2021\"},{\"cardNumber\":\"5123450000000008\",\"nameOnCard\":\"MasterCard SandBox\",\"expiryMonth\":\"01\",\"expiryYear\": \"2039\"}]", // Card number whitelist
  "createdAt": "2023-01-03T09:34:59.000Z", // Generation time
  "updatedAt": "2023-07-26T02:52:42.000Z", // Update time
  "owner": {
    "id": "U592801", // Owner ID
    "name": "Sandbox For GCCMall QCloud", // Owner's name
    "mobile": "900000000" // Mobile phone number